Welcome to the community website serving residents of and visitors to the area around Great & Little Broughton in Cumbria. If you feel that you would like to make any comments or if you have suggestions for improvements or for further development of the site, we would be delighted to receive them. Please email the site administrator at broughtonparishclerk@hotmail.com
This website is a community facility established and maintained by the Broughton Parish Council. Its primary purpose is to provide information resources and a communication medium for residents of the parish.
Broughton Parish Council meet once a month on a Tuesday evening at 6pm (with the exception of August & December when there may not be a meeting).
Parish Council Elections
All Parish Councillors are elected every four years, the next cycle is in May 2027
The Broughton Parish Council Election for May 2023 has been declared as uncontested, for further information please view the Broughton Parish Council Declaration of Uncontested Election May 23
Future meeting dates:
If as a member of the public you wish to submit a question for any meeting it will need to be with the Clerk via email by 17:00 on the Saturday prior to the meeting. Questions received after this time & date will be held until the following meeting.
For further details please see the Council Notices & Agendas page.
All meetings are held at 18:00
11th March 2025- Christchurch
15th April 2025- Christchurch
20th May 2025 (APM & AGM)- Christchurch
17th June 2025- Christchurch
15th July 2025- Christchurch
16th Sept 2025- Christchurch
14th October 2025-Christchurch
18th November 2025- Christchurch
13th January 2026- Christchurch
Notice of meetings will be posted on this website, and is also posted on the two noticeboards within the Parish (one outside the post office in Great Broughton, and on the one at Broughton Village Hall)
Broughton Parish Plan 2024-2028
This plan has been updated and adopted by Broughton Parish Council in April 2024.
Broughton Parish Plan 2024 to 2028
Broughton Parish Survey Results – FINAL REPORT
Should you wish to refer to the previous (historic) Parish Plan this can be found below