This page contains links to the relevant policies and procedures for Broughton Parish Council.

Governance Documents 

Broughton Biodiversity policy  Adopted March 2024

Broughton Planning Policy– Adopted Feb 2024 to be read in conjunction with Planning Guidance

Broughton PC Scheme of Delegation– Adopted Feb 2024

Serious Infectious Disease Policy Broughton Parish Council  Adopted May 2021- Suspended following recent government policy change. This will be reviewed if the Government Guidance changes again.

Broughton Parish Standing Orders 2018 for England (revised 2020) Re-Adopted with no changes May 2024

Broughton Standing Orders for Digital Meetings Suspended following Governmental Legislative Change May 2021

Broughton Guidance & Notes for Virtual Meetings Suspended following Governmental Legislative Change May 2021

Health & Safety Policy – Re-Adopted with no changes May 2024

Broughton PC Griveance & Discipline Policy -Re-Adopted with no changes May 2024

Risk Management Policy & Protocol– Re-Adopted with no changes May 2024

Broughton Retention of Documents Policy -Re-Adopted with no changes May 2024

Public Participation at Meetings Policy – Re-Adopted with no changes May 2024

Broughton Co-option Process – Re-Adopted with no changes May 2024

Dispensation Procedure for Councillors -Re-Adopted with no changes May 2024

Equality & Diversity Policy– Re-Adopted with no changes May 2024

Complaints Procedure– Re-Adopted with no changes May 2024

Freedom of Information Scheme -Re-Adopted with no changes May 2024

Publication Scheme – Re-Adopted with no changes May 2024

Financial Regulations  -Re-Adopted with no changes May 2024

Asset Register – Re-Adopted with no changes May 2024

Risk Assessment Schedule -Re-Adopted with no changes May 2024

General Data Protection Policy -Re-Adopted with no changes May 2024

Broughton PC Privacy Notice– Re-Adopted with no changes May 2024

Code of Conduct-Re-Adopted with no changes May 2024

Non Compliance with Code of Conduct Policy – Re-Adopted with no changes May 2024

TofR Planning Committee Broughton Re-Adopted with no changes May 2024